Friday, September 08, 2006

Google Writely

Google recently purchased Writely in there continuing efforts to make office type applications available to everyone via the Internet. Writely is like Google Spreadsheets but appears to have progress much further in features. It has all the basic features that anyone would need to word process. I really liked the auto save feature (Office 2003 - sometimes lags when it auto saves) Writely Autosave is quick and doesn't affect the performance. So I actually typed this in writely. I also liked the fact how you could publish to your blog. While I am on blogger and Google own both products I think the post worked well. I didn't have a chance to test with another blog entry on Writely! The spell check is pretty accurate but said 'Writely' and 'Google' were misspelled. Just like MS Word you can use the right click button almost anywhere on the text area. You can save the file in popular formats such as MS Word, Open Office, and even PDF. Visit Writely to test drive the web application for yourself. Writely beta is 62% complete, I will post updates as they become available.

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